Parks of Study and Reflection
HVP is one of more than 60 autonomous parks around the world that were started in response to the growing personal, social and political crises of this era. In times such as these, it is easy for people to lose faith in themselves, in institutions, and in humanity. There are great changes underway in the world, but in what direction will it all go?
The work carried out at HVP and other Parks of Study & Reflection aims to reinforce a belief in humankind’s potential, to regain faith in ourselves, in others and in the possibility of change, and to engage people in the project of building a more human and nonviolent world. They help people to connect to the sacred within themselves in and in the world around them.
The Parks of Study and Reflection have been initiated, financed and built by the people who participate in the Humanist Movement and in Communities of Silo's Message. Although the Parks share common aspirations, elements and goals, each park has complete economic and operational autonomy.
The design of the Parks includes the following buildings and monuments:
Hall: Its interior symbolizes the profound internal experience through a spherical space devoid of icons, symbols or images. Externally, the walls frame a sphere that in its high point aims towards the heights. The form of the Hall is that of a Mandela with four entrances.
Threshold or Portal: Entrance gates mark the boundary separating two spaces: the space of noise and that of silence; the space of daily life and that of seclusion and reflection. When one passes through the Threshold, one enters a different time and space from that of daily life.
Center of Work: A place dedicated to seminars, retreats and celebrations with accommodations for overnight stays.
Monolith: Architectural forms like the monolith have been found throughout history all around the world. They are sometimes referred to as “axis mundi” (cosmic axis) symbols and represent the connection between the heavens and the earth.
Fountain: In all creation myths and legends having to do with cosmogony, water is the source of life, with its infinite attributes: nourishing, giving life, purifying, caring, bringing rebirth. The Fountain allegorically represents the fusion of feminine and masculine principles as the source of all energy.
Stele: Just as the ancient Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Sumerian, or Mayan steles carved in stone give testimony of the events or significant deeds that took place at the time of their creation, the stele displays the engraved names of all who contribute to the construction of the Park.
For a more detailed presentation of these elements and their historical antecedents, please see the PowerPoint presentation below.
The first Park of Study & Reflection, Punta de Vacas Park, considered the Historical Park, is located at the confluence of three rivers and three mountain ranges in northern Argentina. The Park is situated on the spot where Silo gave his first public address, entitled "The Healing of Suffering," on May 4, 1969.
Full list of Parks of Study and Reflection