HVP is funded entirely through contributions from individuals who support its purpose.
Ways to make a donation:
1) Donate with PayPal by clicking the button on the left.
We are registered with PayPal Giving Fund (PPGF). Donations made through PayPal go to PPGF, which in turns makes a contribution to HVP (Pangea East) without any transaction fee. You will receive a letter of acknowledgment from PPGV, which should be saved for tax purposes.
2) Write a check to Pangea East and mail to the following address:
Pangea East
4313 47 Street, E36
Sunnyside NY 11104
Donations to Pangea East are tax deductible according to the law. You will receive an email letter of acknowledgement from Pangea East.
3) Set up a monthly transfer from bank account. Please write to for details on how to do this.
Thanks for your support!